Trolley Wine Tour

By OMGTrolley (other events)

Thursday, January 19 2017 6:30 PM 9:00 PM EDT

Tampa's 3 Hour Trolley Around the World Wine Tour
Have you ever wanted to do something for the first time?

Are you looking to learn more about wine doing something fun and different?

We’ve developed a tour that creates the perfect time to be with your friends, family, loved ones, meet new people and enjoy each others company while letting OMG Trolley you around to different wine retailers featuring wines from around the world. 
Or just a wine experience you can say no on else has had?

You have come to the right place!

•This Wine "Sampling" tour of wine regions "Around the World" lets you sample 4 different wines from all 4 corners of the world.  
•Meeting Location is Duckweed
You board the Trolley after 1st sample

1st Stop Traveling Corks

2nd Traveling Corks

3rd  Rainbow Food Mart 

4th Ybor City Wine Bar

You will get an in-depth review of the wines. We will vote on the wines and determine which

wine we feel are the best value.  Everyone will have the opportunity to purchase wines from the retailers visited.
So get ready to sit back, relax, trolley around and discover some of Tampa’s best independent wine retailers.

What you get:

•4 samples of wine – 4 Different Locations
•On Board tour guide
•BYOB! You can enjoy your adult beverage while you Trolley Around